Teaching Opportunities
Open Positions
Interested applicants should contact Diana Padilla at diana@youthsciencecenter.org.
Volunteer Opportunities
We’re always looking for volunteers. Learn about the possibilities here!
We need your ideas and talents! Fill out our volunteer help form today. Use your existing talents or develop new ones!
Youth Science Center Needs Your Help!
We need YOUR support for the continued success of this nonprofit organization. Although Board members and committee members serve on a volunteer basis, we pay our summer teaching staff. Your membership and class fees are used to buy and maintain high-quality teaching materials and equipment. We also need you to help spread the word about the YSC at PTA meetings and your schools. If you can hand out our newsletter, please phone the YSC at (626) 854-9825.
Some of our needs now include:
volunteer help maintaining our PC network
newsletter editor
graphic artist to design flyers
marketing and advertising ideas to promote YSC
Social Media Marketing Specialist
Zoom class assistant
Summer High School Student Volunteer Program
Please email Diana at diana@youthsciencecenter.org for volunteer opportunity. Volunteer opportunity available exclusively for high school students currently in grades 9 through 12 only.